Monday, May 31, 2010

Brooklyn Bridge Tower

[Canon EOS 40D, F 7.025, 1/793.650793651, ISO:100, 2010-5-1]

For a Canon 40D, the exposure values mentioned doesn't make much sense. This picture was shot RAW and then tone-mapped to produce a High Dynamic Range pic. I have been playing around with HDR for a while - exaggerated contrast and artistic effects are the most common artifacts of this technique.
Another way of looking at using this is if done right, HDR can sometimes bring life to regular boring photographs.

Chasing Cars

[Canon EOS 40D, F 10.0, 1/0.125, ISO:200, 2009-9-25]

I had setup my tripod at the corner of  Broadway and 63rd street. Was impressed with the red and blue streams of backlight of vehicles. Triggered the shot as soon as the nearby light turned green and let the light in for 8 secs. Had to keep the aperture small so as not to overexpose the shot.

Brooklyn Bridge Flag

[Canon EOS 40D, F 7.1, 1/400.0, ISO:100, 2010-5-1]

Been in New York for about 6 months now, this was the first time I went to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge.  Its certainly not the second longest suspension bridge but it is one of the oldest. It is also the first steel wire suspension bridge.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Golden Gate

[Canon EOS 40D, F 7.1, 1/640.0, ISO:200, 2008-7-27]
Coordinates: 37.80843 -122.477692

Just another busy cold foggy day at Golden Gate. This picture was taken from Vista Point at  North East side of the bridge. 

Times Square

[Canon EOS 40D, F 2.8, 1/160.0, ISO:100, 2010-5-22]
Coordinates: 40.75901 -73.984474

Points of Interest

tkts booth - The lower left corner of the pic shows the railing of famous red glass steps. The construction project of these 27 ruby-red structural glass steps went over budget six times with the completion cost of whooping $19M. tkts booth is right beneath these steps.

Tonight belongs to Phantom - The only broadway show I have seen so far. Broadway's Most Haunting Love Story. Amazing costumes and sets.